Until modern times, food was mostly firm and consistent. Our manducatory apparatus had to chew it before swallowing it. Nowadays, the bottle, the pacifier or soft foods have changed our functional habits even though teeth have grown: we suck rather than chew and swallow properly. Bad habits do not change despite advancing age.

If treated early enough, these disorders can be corrected by lingual retraining and/or orthodontics.

Corrective surgery can be considered for severe or late cases. However, tongue retraining is essential for stable results.

With age and lack of exercise, the loss of strength and muscle tone of the tongue worsens. In addition to the increased prevalence of Sleep Disordered Breathing, this can also lead to dysphagia which in turn can lead to choking, lung infections or de-nutrition

Tongue Dysfunctions

Linguistic dysfunction does not affect the widening of the nasal cavities.
Nasal breathing becomes difficult and is replaced by mouth breathing.

Mouth breathing contributes to the worsening of sleep-related breathing disorders.

Respiration Buccale